After a frustratingly long day of arguing with the internet I've finally managed to get the demo letters/e-mails out to those who've signed up for it! It's slightly overdue, but at least I found a good secure way to share the photos of the products and their making. (and my internet finally decided to be nice long enough for me to upload the photos).
Unfortunately the line in general isn't progressing as quickly as I hoped it would. At the moment the line is about 1-2 weeks behind schedule though there is much potential for it to be caught up. Without going into too much detail before the public release date: I'm getting pretty sick of the monotony that the 2nd step provides. It's VERY time consuming and VERY tedious. I'm gonna be really happy when I'm done that part and get on to the much more fun steps in making more of the product. I'm in a position now where I have a lot of the raw materials I need to create the product and so the "x" factor so to speak is me. As long as my sewing machine and ironing board keep up as well as my motivation I should be back on track by the fan release date on October 20th 2011. Just 19 days away before I start selling them and taking custom orders from fans. Very exciting, though today was also a very quick awakening at how much more preparation I still need to do electronically before the release date. The sites still need a lot of work before I can hit that "publish" button.
All that being said, I'm still very excited about the line and hopefully this excitement will keep me full of steam as I plow through the coming week. September went by so quickly, before we know it, it'll be November and NaNoWriMo will be upon me as well as the craft show (which I will talk about in a later post). But for now, time to wind down after a long day of computer aggravations.
Keep Crafty Everyone! And have a great night!
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